Safer at home

Je pensais qu’en étant confinée, je créerai plus, et bien non. Curieux et agaçant en même temps, alors je me suis un peu forcée en reprenant le défi mensuel de Earings Everyday, deux semaines pour faire une paire de boucles d’oreilles sur le thème de la maison, plus exactement en sécurité à la maison. Je n’ai pas eu envie de prendre des composants en forme de maison mais plutôt de choisir des perles que j’associais avec un lieu ou je me sens bien. Résultat: multicolore! Des perles ramenées de voyages en famille, qui me rappelaient les voyages, ou qui avaient voyagé. Voilà ou je me sens bien, en mouvement avec mes souvenirs et mes projets.

Le point de départ de ces boucles d’oreilles ont été les accroches pour oreilles envoyées d’Inde par Divya de Jewels of Sayuri. Je l’ai rencontrée à Paris l’année dernière, c’était formidable! Elles me rappelent ces rencontres inattendues et riches que l’on fait à tous moments, même confinés.

I thought I would create a lot during this lockdown, but no. I find this quite strange and annoying, so I pushed myself a little and turned to the Earrings Everyday monthly challenge. That is, you have to create a pair of earrings with a particular theme in mind, this month, Safer at Home. I didn’t want to go to the obvious house components, and I have plenty of them, but towards beads that would make me feel good. The result was really colorful! There were beads, brought back from family trips, that made me think of travelling, from favorite shops or that had travelled. This is where I feel good, on the move with my memories and my projects.

The starting point of these particular earrings were the ear studs sent from India by Divya from Jewels of Sayuri. I met her last year in Paris, and it was fantastic! They make me think of these rich and unexpected encounters we make everyday, even safe at home.

5 commentaires sur “Safer at home

  1. If I have to describe your house I would use the words – warm, colourful and intellectual. The earrings are rich and as lovely as your home Karin. I am glad that you used the studs.


  2. How cool on so many levels! The fact that you were able to meet up with Miss Divya is such a blessing. Isn’t it wonderful when we can connect around the world!? Those components are super fun. And the idea of traveling in your mind while safer at home is a great one. The memories we have made in the world and the ones yet to be made are what will sustain us until we can reclaim what we are missing. Thank you so much for joining in with us and for sharing your talents with the world! Enjoy the day! Erin


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