Ordinary Extraordinary Everyday 6-10

Deuxième série de photos pour ce mini défi photo organisé par Sally Russick.
Plus difficile d’interpréter les thèmes cette fois-ci:

Second  posting date for Sally Russick‘s mini photo challenge.
I had more difficulties interpreting the prompts this time:

Day 6 / Jour 6: Minimal

Une pince et un anneau en cuivre fait de mes mains
Pliers and a hand made copper jumpring

Day 7 / Jour 7: Daily Chaos (Chaos quotidien)

Des chaussures et encore des chaussures…
Shoes and more shoes…

Day 8 / Jour 8: Words (Mots)

Mots en français, Mots en anglais
Words in French, Words in English

Day 9 / Jour 9: Night Time Calm (Calme en soirée)

Ma tisane…
My herbal tea…

Day 10 / Jour 10: Outside (Dehors)

7 commentaires sur “Ordinary Extraordinary Everyday 6-10

  1. I think you interpreted the prompts beautifully! I especially like your daily chaos view of shoes and boots. It takes me back to my growing up days when we were all required to take off our wet shoes and boots before entering the house. There were six of us kids so that pile was quite large! Also LOVE your bookshelves!


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