Haberdashery Hop Reveal

Aujourd’hui deux défis, si vous voulez voir Carnaval D’Eté, c’est LA
Today, two reveals so if you want the Summer Carnival Blog Hop, it’s HERE
Voilà un défi qui s’est  révélé plus compliqué que je ne pensais. 
Lorsque Melissa Trudinger de Beadrecipes à proposé ce défi, c’est à dire utiliser des éléments de mercerie, boutons, tissus, rubans… pour faire des bijoux, j’ai tout de suite pensé que j’avais ce qu’il me fallait, j’ai des boîtes pleines de boutons, dentelles, rubans, des sacs remplis de tissus et que sais-je encore…
Mais il ne suffisait pas d’avoir, il s’agissait maintenant de faire. Il y avait certainement une raison pour laquelle je n’avais jamais utilisé tout ce matériel à disposition. J’ai feuilleter un nombre incalculable de livres (une mine, Bohemian-Inspired Jewelry de Lorelei Eurto et Erin Siegel), passé du temps sur Pinterest et tout de doucement, mais vraiment doucement, les idées ont commencé à venir.
J’ai commencé avec un bouton et du fil de soie pour un long  collier de perles en bois et son petit renard endormi de Tree Wings Studio.
That was a more difficult challenge than I thought.
When Melissa Trudinger from Beadrecipes suggested this Haberdashery Blog Hop, I immediately thought I had everything I needed. I have boxes full of buttons, loads of fabric, lace, ribbons and other stuff…
But having it didn’t make me create anything, there must have been a reason why I never used it before!
So I looked through many books, and you will recognize inspiration from one particular book, Bohemian-Inspired Jewelry by Lorelei Eurto and Erin Siegel. I spent time on Pinterest and then ideas slowly started to come, but very, very slowly.
I started with a button and some silk cord for a long necklace of wood beads and its Tree Wings Studio sleeping fox.

Puis je me suis enhardie et j’ai choisi des rubans, un peu de liberty, un peu de cuir, un peu d’autres choses pour un bracelet tout léger, tellement léger qu’il est difficile à photographier.
Then I became braver and chose some ribbon, some liberty, some leather, some other ribbon for a very light bracelet, so light it was difficult to take a picture of.
J’ai ensuite continué dans le ruban, de soie cette fois-ci, six rubans tressés, du fil de lin et un pendentif de Jade Scott.
I went on with ribbon,  6 silk ribbons I pleated, some linen cord and a Jade Scott  pendant.

J’ai ensuite repris des boutons qui se prêtaient bien à des boucles d’oreilles.
Then I found some buttons fit for earrings.
J’ai ensuite décidé de me lancer vraiment, d’associer ruban, fil et boutons, ce qui me donne cette manchette colorée et spéciale d’après mon entourage, moi je l’aime bien, je me suis vraiment amusée à la faire. Sur un support en laiton j’ai enfilé du ruban de tissus teinté, j’ai ensuite brodé à grand point avec du fil dégradé et cousu des boutons. J’en ai ensuite ajouté d’autres avec des anneaux. 
I then decided to go ahead and associate ribbon, thread and buttons which ended in this colorful cuff, quite special according to my husband and children as they nicely put it but I like it. I had a lot of fun making it. I know there is a lot of work ahead on this kind of cuff, but that’s a start. So on a brass base, I           
weaved dyed fabric ribbon, then I embroidered it with dyed thread and large stitches, sewed the buttons and added more with jump rings.

Et puis ont commencé à venir d’autres idées, comme de mettre de la dentelle ancienne dans un cadre en verre. D’abord la dentelle originale, puis la même teintée.

And then more ideas started to come, like putting some old lace between glass in a frame. First the original lace, then the same, but dyed purple.

Pour l’instant je laisse le cordon de daim, mais je crois que je ne vais pas en rester là, j’imagine quelque chose de plus coloré…

I’m keeping the suede lace for now, but I think I can see something more colorful ahead. I’ll see.

Et maintenant d’autres idées arrivent petit à petit!
Le plus intéressant dans ce défi, c’est de voir les éléments autrement, de ne pas utiliser un bouton comme un bouton, un ruban comme un ruban… J’entrevois beaucoup de possibilités, que je vais devoir beaucoup travailler pour arriver à les exploiter car il n’est pas si facile de sortir du chemin tracé. En tout cas un grand merci à Melissa pour m’avoir forcé à prendre ce chemin inhabituel pour moi.
Et pour aller voir les créations des autres participants, suivez les liens ci-dessous:

And now ideas are still coming!
The most interesting part was to consider the element in a different way. Not to use buttons as buttons or ribbon as ribbon. I can see many possibilities ahead, I will have to work had to find a new way as it is hard to get out of the usual one. So a big thank you to Melissa for making me take this unusual path, for me.
And to see the other participants creations, follow the links: 

Melissa Trudinger                                           http://beadrecipes.wordpress.com

Ann Schroeder                                                 http://www.beadlove.wordpress.com

Tammy Adams                                                http://www.paisleylizard.com/blog.html

Amanda Wacasey                                           http://mandyinmystic.blogspot.com

Dolores Raml                                                   http://craftydscreations.wordpress.com 

Divya N                                                             http://www.jewelsofsayuri.com

Michelle McCarthy                                         http://www.fireflydesignstudio.BlogSpot.com

DiYana Brooks                                                 http://agapecreationsjewelry.blogspot.com/

Robin Kae Reed                                               http://willowdragon.blogspot.com

Andrea Glick                                                    http://zenithjade.blogspot.com/

Karin Grosset Grange                                     http://ginkgoetcoquelicot.blogspot.fr

Mitzie Crider                                                    http://needfulluxuries.blogspot.com

Janine Lucas                                                    http://www.esfera.me/travel/blog/travel-stories

Rosantia Petkova                                           http://bairozan.blogspot.com/

Susan Kennedy                                                http://www.suebeads.blogspot.com

Leithleach Alainn Seodra                http://alainnjewelry.wordpress.com/

Kathleen Breeding                                          http://99bobotw.blogspot.com/

Shiraz Biggie                                                    http://secretsongdesigns.blogspot.com

Chris Eisenberg                                               http://www.wanderware.blogspot.com

Heather Richter                                              http://desertjewelrydesigns.blogspot.com/

Lennis Carrier                                                  http://www.windbent.net/

Rebecca Anderson                                         http://www.songbeads.blogspot.com

Jenny Kyrlach                                                   http://anafiassa.blogspot.com

Rita Toltec Jewels                                          http://www.JewelSchoolFriends.com

Mischelle Fanucci                                           http://www.micheladasmusings.blogspot.com

Karen Mitchell                                                 http://overthemoon-design.com

Carol Briody                                                     http://Cbriody.blogspot.com

Karla Morgan                                                  http://TexasPepperJams.blogspot.com

Carolyn Lawson                                              http://Carolynscreationswa.blogspot.com

Lori Anderson                                                  http://www.prettythingsblog.com/

Jami Shipp                                                        http://www.celebratinglifewithdamamashipp.blogspot.com

Lili Krist                                                             http://pcbylik.blogspot.com/

Laney Mead                                                     http://laney-izzybeads.blogspot.co.uk/

Evelyn Shelby                                                   http://raindropcreationsbyevelyn.blogspot.com/

Raissa de Guzman                                          http://www.abloro.com

Niky Sayers                                                      http://silverniknats.blogspot.co.uk

Keren Panthaki                                                http://vasdea.wordpress.com

22 commentaires sur “Haberdashery Hop Reveal

  1. So many wonderful creations! I love each one. As usual, you made so many things, each individual and each beautiful. I love the multi strand ribbon bracelet with it's little enamel charms. Such a wonderful mix of colors, patterns and textures. Really great work. I agree that this hop has opened my mind, and I'm very much looking forward to continuing on this path.


  2. Karin, you have made some stunning pieces! I agree, it is quite difficult to think about using the elements in a non-traditional way. I love the way you have played with so many different things too! The cuff is quite stunning! I also like the way you put the lace behind glass, looks great. Thank you for joining in my blog hop!


  3. Lots of amazing pieces you must have worked really hard to get so many lovely designs made up! My favorite has to be the lace in a frame but then I also love the Jade Scott necklace such a fun design!


  4. Extraordinary ideas. Once you got started, you really created quite a lot of spectacular pieces. I especially love how you joined all the thin pieces of ribbon into that first airy bracelet. Your ideas are very creative and the designs came together well.


  5. All your pieces are very different in style and bang on target but I love the airy bracelet the most – I have never seen such a pattern before, and its possibilities really intrigues me – great work 🙂


  6. Now I feel like a slacker! It's great that you were so inspired. That necklace with the Jade Scott pendant is my favorite. I do love the button earrings and the cuff as well–they would look great together.


  7. Simply wonderful! I really enjoyed seeing all of the different designs that you came up with… And you have certainly given me some ideas, too! (The lace in the frame is simply brilliant! And so is that ribbon bracelet!) Thanks so much for sharing! 🙂


  8. I loved seeing everything you've created! The little red button earrings are so precious. And I've always loved seeing a beautiful piece of lace displayed such as this. My favorite is your multi-strand ribbon bracelet. Perfect!


  9. Absolutely great use of a lot of haberdashery items in a lots of different ways! I love the wooden beads with the silk cord and the bracelets, especially the second one with its complex design. Those red buttons are so beautiful as earrings! The lace pendants look feminine and vintage! The braided necklace is my absolute favorite!


  10. Wow! You've been a very busy lady! I have a really hard time picking a favorite because I really like them all. However, I'm drawn to the the multi-strand bracelet, the sari braided necklace, and the button earrings. The bracelet that your family said was interesting, I think is VERY INTERESTING. There's a lot of potential ideas there! Love it! 🙂


  11. I loved looking through all your pieces . . . you have an amazing eye for color and texture combinations and each piece, though very unique and individual, seemed to have your signature on it. If I was as successful in this arena, I think I would continue to explore and develop it thoroughly. You really have the knack for it!!!


  12. Wow – what fab pieces. Really love them all, but the sari silk necklace and fabric bracelet are my favourite, but then again, I really like the lace pendants too. Heck – just parcel the lot up and send them over, then I don't have to choose……


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